Apps para trabajar el estímulo matemático en un contexto de inclusión

  1. Teresa F. Blanco
  2. Alejandro Gorgal
  3. Iria Ares Méndez
Unión: revista iberoamericana de educación matemática

ISSN: 1815-0640

Ano de publicación: 2023

Número: 68

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Unión: revista iberoamericana de educación matemática


This article collects an educational intervention in a context of inclusion where tablets are used as a technological resource. The objective is to work on mathematical stimulation through a playful mobile application with students at risk of social exclusion. The methodology is qualitative, taking affective and mediational suitability indicators of Godino (2013) as a data analysis instrument. The results show a high degree of affective suitability and a medium degree of mediational suitability due to difficulties external to the technological material and the selected application.

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