Iconofilias fundamentalistas y régimen escópico en el contexto de Interne

  1. Matías García Rodríguez
Fedro: revista de estética y teoría de las artes

ISSN: 1697-8072

Ano de publicación: 2015

Número: 15

Páxinas: 44-55

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Fedro: revista de estética y teoría de las artes


In the context of the “War on Terror”, our contemporary scopic regime appears to be determined by the privatization of public liberties of which the best example is the process of totalitarization of the Internet, the latter also being the condition of possibility for the thousandth return of fundamentalist discourse and the form of iconophilia derived from the crisis of recognition as a normative criterion for the economy of images.

Referencias bibliográficas

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