Liderazgos informales en el movimiento 15M en Cáceresaproximación a su estudio a través del proceso normativo de la asamblea de la ciudad

  1. Allen-Perkins Avendaño, Diego
Estudios. Revista de Pensamiento Libertario

ISSN: 2254-1632

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 2

Pages: 60-75

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios. Revista de Pensamiento Libertario


ThTh e 15M movement proposes new ways of understanding the relationship between politics and power, bringing discussion and decision-making into public spaces. It questions the presumption that only professional politicians or activists can be involved in the decision-making process. In a decentralized and horizontal organization, hierarchical leadership is inexistent, although there are people who can exert a larger infl uence on decisions. Th is paper analyzes the characteristics of these informal leaderships through an ethnography in a city far from the media spotlights to try shed light on the issue of when a social movement may become hierarchical.