Herod and the Orant QueenThe Archaeological Discoveries in the Cathedral of Santiago, and its medieval Stone Choir.

Codex aquilarensis: Cuadernos de investigación del Monasterio de Santa María la Real

ISSN: 0214-896X

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Titel der Ausgabe: El equipamiento del altar medieval. De la materia a la luz

Nummer: 38

Seiten: 217-254

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Codex aquilarensis: Cuadernos de investigación del Monasterio de Santa María la Real


During the restoration works and archaeological excavation carried out in the crypt of the Portal of Glory of Santiago Cathedral between 2017 and 2021 numerous pieces of its dismantled medieval stone choir were unearthed, including a series of reliefs representing the Massacre of the Innocents. This article analyzes the stylistic, iconographic, contextual, and comparative evidence that allows us to date them to the last quarter of the twelfth century, and discusses how they bear witness to the diversity of stylistic idioms of the different sculptors who arrived in Compostela to work on the monumental enterprises undertaken in the cathedral between 1168 and 1211 under the direction of Master Mateo. The restitution of these pieces to their probable original place on the façade of the stone choir gives insight into the brilliant scenography designed by Master Mateo for the different spaces of the cathedral, including the altars located in the choir, adapting their sculptural ornamentation to the temple’s liturgical topography, and tracing paths of visual connection between them so that the faithful, in their movements, could intuitively apprehend the theological connections among biblical episodes. The essay includes a historiographical critique aimed at liberating the choir’s fragments from the modern constructs in which they remain imprisoned, as a preliminary step to achieve a new vision of this essential work in the corpus of medieval art.

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