Análisis de la calidad de los partes de lesiones emitidos a víctimas de violencia de género en la Región de Murcia durante el año 2018adecuación a las exigencias judiciales

  1. Reynaldos García, Belén
Supervised by:
  1. Eduardo Javier Osuna Carrillo-Albornoz Director
  2. Faustina Sánchez Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 19 October 2022

  1. José Ignacio Muñoz Barús Chair
  2. Isabel Legaz Pérez Secretary
  3. Miguel Lorente Acosta Committee member

Type: Thesis


INTRODUCTION. Gender violence poses a great threat to public health, with severe consequences to women in society, healthcare workers being key to detect and handle cases of gender violence, by elaborating the part of injuries, an extremely important document in the judicial process, and in the process transitioning from the medical to legal jurisdiction. OBJECTIVES. A descriptive analytical study was performed on the quality of part of injuries made in 2018 in the Region de Murcia. Several factors that influence the quality of information were considered: model used, redaction, healthcare workers that redacted it, the population of the town in which the woman resided, the sex of the facultative, and violence record. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A transversal study was performed, observational and descriptive, using part of injuries available in the Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses de Murcia. Sample size was 1040 documents, divided among 842 part of injuries and 198 clinical reports. Descriptive and inferential analysis was applied using IBM© SPSS© Statistics 25. RESULTS. Significant statistical differences were identified in the quality of part of injuries in multiple variables, associated with the model used, the redaction, asistencial team, population size, violence record and the sex of the facultative. CONCLUSIONS. Important shortcomings were identified in the inclusion of key data for judicial investigation and huge transcendence for the adoption of protection measures to prevent further incidents. Digitalization and normalization is imperative to prevent information loss. Normalized part of injuries present more quality data related to vulnerability of women and clinical reports in identification and anamnesis data. The type of assistance provided conditions the information contained in the part of injuries, generally being more thorough those coming from bigger populations and hospital emergency services. Differences due to facultative sex weren't statistically significant, but a slight improvement in quality is observed if the facultative is a women. The existence of a gender violence record positively influences the document qualify. Healthcare worker formation and sensitization in order to improve the quality of part of injuries is imperative, specially in cases of gender violence, given the medical-legal importance of this document for legal jurisdiction and the victim's protection.