Improving the luminescent properties of a dysprosium complex with in the presence of Zn<sup>II</sup>: an emissive Zn<sub>2</sub>Dy compound
- Corredoira-Vázquez, Julio 1
- Fondo, Matilde 1
- García-Deibe, Ana 1
- Sanmartín-Matalobos, Jesus 1
Núñez, Cristina
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- 2 Oncology Division, Research Unit, Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti (HULA), Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS), 27002 Lugo, Spain
Ano de publicación: 2017
Tipo: Achega congreso
The mononuclear complex [Dy(H3L)(H2O)(NO3)](NO3)2 (Dy) and the heterotrinuclear compound [Zn2Dy(L)(NO3)3(OH)]·3H2O (Zn2Dy·3H2O) can be obtained with the same H3L compartmental ligand. The single X-ray crystal structure of the both complexes shows a DyO9 core but with different geometries: a muffin-like disposition in Dy and a spherical capped square antiprism in Zn2Dy. The luminiscent characterisation of the metal compounds in methanol solution at 298 K shows a notable increase in the fluorescent emission of the heterotrinuclear complex respect to the mononuclear one, indicating that the presence of zinc improves significantly the fluorescent character of Zn2Dy·3H2O respect to Dy. Accordingly, Zn2Dy·3H2O could be a potential fluorescent probe for imaging applications.