El documental periodístico como género garante de la función de servicio público de la comunicación. Estudio de los programas Documentos TV y En Portada de la 2 de Televisión Española.

  1. Fernández Jara, Laura
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Marta Roel Vecino Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 06 von September von 2013

  1. Julio Montero Díaz Präsident/in
  2. Pedro Antonio Rojo Villada Sekretär/in
  3. Fernando Martínez Vallvey Vocal
  4. Aurora García González Vocal
  5. Francisco Campos Freire Vocal

Art: Dissertation


ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis is a study on the television of public service in Spain arisen from a new television context that emerged in 2010. The approval of the Law 7/2010, General of the Audio-visual Communication, eliminates any obligation of public service on the part of the private chains as well as the multiplication and fragmentation of the offer of contents that supposes the consolidation of the Digital Terrestrial Television; have generated a new television ecosystem in which the programming of La 2 stands out. Its contribution to the safeguard of the public service develops across different formats. Nevertheless there exists an informative genre, the journalistic documentary, which returns guarantor of the fulfillment of the legal requirements that govern the obligatory of the public service of the communication. The above mentioned informative audio-visual genre is principally issued across programs as Documentos TV and En Portada. Objectives 1. Characterize the genre: journalistic documentary . 2. Linking documentary journalism to public service communication. 3. Analyze scheduling TVE-2 in the context of National Television Digital. Methodology The dissertation studies five television seasons at different stages: " Research 1 focuses on the documentary analysis issued between 2007 and 2012. " Investigation 2 concentrates on the 2011-2012 season. " Research 3 studies six cases from the 2011-2012 season. At all stages, the analysis focuses on factuals documentary Documentos TV and En Portada from La 2. The methodology chosen to accomplish these objectives include various methods used to measure different aspects of the object of study. On the one hand, we have chosen statistical methodologies such as the probing and content analysis. On the other, non-statistical methodologies such as the exploratory analysis and in-depth interview were developed. The tool for the analysis of the documentary has been the program SPSS. Conclusions The main conclusion of this research is as follows: "Drawing on the results from this study, we conclude that the documentary itself is a genre of journalism guarantor of public service function of communication as it meets most of the requirements contained in the regulations ". As such, we propose a self-definition: "The journalistic or informative documentary is an informative audiovisual genre own television age different from today. It was born in paleotelevision and its foundational characteristics remains intact. Through argumentative discourse, it promotes the defense of social values that are identified with public service communication. Its duration is superior to other television news genres, ranging between 40 and 60 minutes, on average. Recording consists of current affairs-either immediately or permanently, deepening its analysis and the clarification of the causes and consequences of the events it narrates. As a general rule, it includes the critical interpretation or controversy regarding the subject matter, as in many cases it deals with a situation of social injustice, an idea that links the fulfillment of public service communication. The variety of scenarios and diversity of recording sources, generally contradictory to each other, gives objectivity to the genus status an aspect which is generally assumed".