Creación lingüísticala renovación del léxico del español actual por la metonimia

  1. Sánchez Manzanares, María del Carmen
Dirixida por:
  1. Antonio Roldán Pérez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 28 de setembro de 2006

  1. Ángel López García Presidente/a
  2. Ricardo Escavy Zamora Secretario/a
  3. M. Covadonga López Alonso Vogal
  4. Milagros Fernández Pérez Vogal
  5. José Miguel Hernández Terrés Vogal

Tipo: Tese


This thesis deals with the sistematization process of metonymy as a creative process for the semantic renewal of lexicon. The project proposes a monitoring model to assess the impact of metonymy in contemporary Spanish lexicon. The thesis is structured in four parts plus the final conclusions. In the fist part, our aims and methodology are detailed, together with our view on the linguistic change. We develop a synchronic study, according to the systematic patterns by which the metonymy process acts. In the second part, we develop a metonymy linguistic, going beyond the classic limitations that appeared in theoretical works which considerer metonymy as a meaning figure applied ad hoc to the lexicon. The key for this linguistic is the semantic-referential continuity condition in the acting framework of the process. This process is built by an under-discursive syntagmatic setting where a linguistic categorization of the worlds continuum is established. The systematic acting of metonymy is closely linked with the foreseeable continuity relationships that this virtual syntagm disturbs. The projection of these relationship disturbances in the syntactic discursive level produces semantic incompatibilities as the result of a paradigmatic substitution that makes metonymy acquire its trope dimension. Other tropes and rhetorical figures, such as synecdoche, metalepsis and hypallage, are considered as metonymic processes as they imply a denotative transference. We highlight, however, the specific conditions that differentiate them from metonymy, whether the conditions regard the relational type under disturbance or the characteristics of the denotative poles under relation. Ellipsis has been paid special attention, as it overlaps with metonymy when generating autonomous lexicon, thus acquiring a trope dimension. In the third part, and as a result of the process description, we establish the descriptive parameters of metonymy in a dictionary, according to its manifestation in various linguistic levels, and we apply them to the relationship between meanings, studying what has been called polysemic metonymy. Following this study, we show the lexicographic rates for the identification of metonymy in the Diccionario del español actual (1999), by Manuel Seco, Olimpia Andrés y Gabino Ramos. This dictionary makes up our corpus in the study. These rates have provided us with a monitoring pattern of metonymy in the Spanish language recorded in this dictionary, what has allowed us to create an electronic database to which we have devoted the fourth part of our study: LexAMET. This database compiles more than 2000 Spanish words with one or more metonymic sense, taken from our 21000 words corpus. In this database we classify the semantic changes according to the metonymic process in action: metonymy, synecdoche, metonymic ellipsis, metonymic symbol, metalepsis, hypallage, metalogy. LexAMET can be thus defined as a linguistic resource for the identification of metonymy in the Spanish language.