Reaccions de cicloaddició [2+2+2] catalitzades per Rh(I)

  1. García López, Lidia
Supervised by:
  1. Anna Roglans Ribas Director
  2. Anna Pla Quintana Director

Defence university: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 24 February 2012

  1. Carlos Saa Rodríguez Chair
  2. Miquel Costas Salgueiro Secretary
  3. Elena Fernández Gutiérrez Committee member
  4. Anne-Marie Caminade Committee member
  5. Anny Jutand Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 321667 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The development of new chemical processes and efficient catalysts for the formation of carbon-carbon bonds is an important topic in organic chemistry. In particular, the [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction involving different insaturations mainly alkynes, alkenes and nitriles is a highly efficient synthetic tool that allows polysubstituted benzenic, cyclohexadienic and pyridinic compounds to be obtained in one reaction step and in an atom economy process, resulting in the simultaneous formation of three new bonds in the formed ring. In recent years, research to produce new catalysts that can work effectively in mild reaction conditions has attracted great interest, as has the use of these processes in the synthesis of products of potential biological interest. This doctoral thesis is based on the methodological study of the rhodium(I)-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reaction.