Empleo de alberjón (vicia narbonensis) y guisante (pisum sativum) como fuentes proteicas en dietas para lechones en transición.Rendimiento productivo

  1. J. Gomez Fernandez
  2. E. De Mercado
  3. C. Tomás
  4. M. Múzquiz 1
  5. E. Guillamón 1
  6. A. Varela 1
  7. M. Martín 1
  8. P. Lopez Nuez
  9. E. Gómez Izquierdo
  1. 1 INIA
XVI Jornadas sobre Producción Animal: 19 y 20 de mayo de 2015, Zaragoza
  1. Javier Álvarez Rodríguez
  2. Begoña Panea Doblado
  3. Jorge Hugo Calvo Lacosta
  4. Mireia Blanco Alibés
  5. José Alfonso Abecia Martínez
  6. Daniel Villalba Mata
  7. María Ángeles Latorre Górriz

Editorial: Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario

ISBN: 978-84-606-7969-1

Año de publicación: 2015

Volumen: 1

Páginas: 305-307

Congreso: Jornadas sobre producción animal (16. 2015. Zaragoza)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


A total of one hundred forty-four crossbred pigs PIC-L65 x (Large White x Landrace) with an initial BW of 7.08 ± 0.16 kg (28 ± 2 days of age) were used to assess the substitution of soybean meal (SBM) by pea (Pisum sativum) or narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis). There were three experimental diets (24 total replicas and six pigs per replicate) with gilts and barrows, and the same levels of energy and protein: 1) 21.5% soybean meal 47 (SBM); 2) 5% narbon vetch + 19.8% SBM and 3) 24% winter pea Chicarron + 12.1% SBM. We evaluated the effect of anti-nutritional factors: protease inhibitors in pea and narbon vetch (trypsin, TIU; CHYMOTRYPSIN, CIU), and the dipeptide y-Glutamyl-S-Ethenyl-Cysteine in narbon vetch. In the overall period (28 to 64 days of age) pigs fed with diet 3) improved ADG and FCR (P<0.05) without changing the ADFI. The piglets fed with diets 1) and 2) had the same productive results. There were no significant differences due to sex. We conclude that, in our experimental conditions, the piglets during the transition phase (28-64 days of age) tolerated diets with 5% of narbon vetch and improve performance with 24.7% of winter pea Chicarron and levels of TIU three times higher than a control diet, substituting partially SBM of diet.