La recuperación de los punzones de rúbrica de la terra sigillata hispánica del alfar romano de Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén) a partir de su digitalización, reconstrucción e impresión 3D

  1. Maldonado Ruiz, Alexis 1
  2. Dorado Alejos, Alberto 1
  3. Fernández García, María Isabel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Virtual Archaeology Review

ISSN: 1989-9947

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 13

Issue: 27

Pages: 117-134

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4995/VAR.2022.16532 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Virtual Archaeology Review

Sustainable development goals


Terra sigillata is one of the most important and well-known ceramic types of the Roman Empire. These tableware productions began to become generalized from the 1st century AD, characterized by the habitual presence of what is known as sigillum, a kind of stamped mark that identified the pottery (‘officina’) where they were produced. Currently, the information given by the stamps on vessels becomes one of the main sources for the reconstruction of the social and economic structure of terra sigillata manufacture.In the case of the terra sigillata produced in the Iberian Peninsula, both the smooth-walled and the decorated vessels are distinguished by habitually incorporating this rubric/signature, which was made using a stamp-punch. While in smooth-walled vessels this rubric is usually located on the inner bottom of the container, in the case of decorated one, which used to be produced using negative ceramic moulds; the dynamics can be somewhat more complex. At any rate, and unlike the ceramic itself, which becomes a very common object in the archaeological context, the instruments with which these productions used to be marked are very difficult to find. Indeed, they are very rare elements in archaeological excavations or museum collections. An example of this dynamic is the pottery district of Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén, Spain), which became an important producer of terra sigillata around the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. In this large potter complex, despite numerous systematic excavation campaigns since the early 1970s, no original stamp-punch has been recovered yet.In this regard, the strong development of tools for digitization, analysis, virtual reconstruction and new printing devices has brought important benefits for the study of archaeological heritage in general and ceramic studies in particular. Technologies that, although most of them are already well established in our discipline, continue to generate novel results of great scientific interest. However, to take full advantage of their potential, these technologies should not be used in isolation, but must be combined in synergistic methodological flows that we can carry out from the joint use of various computer software. Only in this way, we can effectively recreate elements and objects that, due to their intrinsic value or the fragility of their nature, do not usually appear in the archaeological record.In the present work, a new methodological workflow is proposed through which to obtain data that would allow the coherent reconstruction of the appearance and operation of these fragile instruments. With this objective in mind, we made a selection of nine smooth-walled vessels of terra sigillata isturgitana in which the potters had recorded their work by means of epigraphic and anepigraphic marks. For this reason, various computerized procedures were applied in a systematic way to each of these selected case studies. First, Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry for digitizing these sigilla. Second, computational photography methods such as Virtual Reflectance Transformation Imaging (V-RTI) or raster images such as Digital Elevation Maps (DEM) to improve the visualization of the most deteriorated rubrics. Third, digital modelling and sculpting to generate reliable reconstructive hypotheses of a digital nature. Finally, we use Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), the most common 3D printing method, to materialize these results into high-resolution and low-cost polylactic acid (PLA) replicas.Through all this workflow described in the previous lines, we not only seek the generation of new data that will benefit the archaeological discipline, but that all this knowledge also results in a direct benefit for the bulk of society. Jointly, the technologies of digitization and rapid prototyping have proven to be extremely useful tools for making archaeological heritage truly accessible to everyone, regardless of the situation, needs or geographic location.

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