"Warionia" (Asteraceae)a relict genus of Cichorieae?

  1. Katinas, Liliana
  2. Tellería, María Cristina
  3. Susanna de la Serna, Alfonso
  4. Ortiz Núñez, Santiago
Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid

ISSN: 0211-1322

Year of publication: 2008

Volume: 65

Issue: 2

Pages: 367-381

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3989/AJBM.2008.V65.I2.299 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

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Katinas, L., Tellería, M.C., Susanna, A. & Ortiz, S. 2008. Warionia (Asteraceae): a relict genus of Cichorieae? Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 65(2): 367-381. The genus Warionia, with its only species W. saharae, is endemic to the northwestern edge of the African Sahara desert. This is a somewhat thistle-like aromatic plant, with white latex, and fleshy, pinnately- partite leaves. Warionia is in many respects so different from any other genus of Asteraceae, that it has been tentatively placed in the tribes Cardueae, Cichorieae, Gundelieae, and Mutisieae. Until now, a comprehensive study of Warionia to have a complete context for discussing its taxonomic position is lacking. The general morphology, anatomy, palynology and chromosome number of W. saharae are investigated here, and the species is described and illustrated. Laticifers in leaves and stems indicate a relationship with Cichorieae, and are associated with the phloem, in contact with it or with the surrounding sclerenchyma sheath. The pollen features indicate a strong relation with Cardueae, namely the structure with Anthemoid pattern where the columellae are joined to the foot layer, the ectosexine with thin columellae, the endosexine with stout and ramified columellae, the conspicuous spines with globose bases and conspicuous apical channels, and the tectum surface very perforate. Chromosomal counts resulted in 2n = 34. The morphological and palynological evidence positions Warionia between the tribes Cardueae and Cichorieae suggesting that it could be a remnant of the ancestral stock that gave rise to both tribes.

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