One year of combined effects of irrigation and early defoliation in fiveSpanish white grape cultivars in a particularly dry season.

  1. D. Uriarte
  2. M. Vilanova
  3. L.A. Mancha
  4. A. Montoro
  5. J.J. Cancela
  6. E. García-Escudero
  7. E. Valdés
  8. M. Fandiño
  9. I. Torija
  10. J. Martínez
  11. L. Rivacoba
  12. D. Martínez-Porro
  13. M.H. Prieto
  14. J. Yuste
International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences: abstracts Book

Verlag: Instituto de las Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Seiten: 177

Kongress: International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences (1. 2018. Logroño)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag