Impacto de las relaciones de coordinación entre las áreas de Revenue Management y de Marketing en la competitividad de las empresas de alojamiento turístico en España

  1. Reina Escandell, Alicia
Supervised by:
  1. Carles Mulet Forteza Director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 11 October 2021

  1. Onofre Martorell Cunill Chair
  2. Luis Otero González Secretary
  3. Berta Ferrer Rosell Committee member

Type: Thesis


Introduction. This research project emerged from a desire to verify its main hypothesis, i.e. the possible existence of a relationship between the competitive success of tourist accommodation companies in Spain and the degree of coordination between their Revenue Management and Marketing areas. To this end, two principal aims were established, the first of which was to determine the possible impact of coordinating relations between the Revenue Management and Marketing areas on the competitiveness of tourist accommodation companies in Spain, while the second analysed how relations between Marketing and Revenue Management in tourist accommodation companies may or may not influence their competitiveness. Method. The abovementioned hypotheses were tested by triangulating several research methods, following an exploratory study of the current situation. On one hand, qualitative methodology was employed through in-depth interviews and the Delphi method. On the other, quantitative methodology was applied using inferential analysis of data obtained via surveys, for the analysis and processing of which the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software was used. Results. Thanks to the research carried out, the impact of coordinating relations between the Revenue Management and Marketing areas on the competitiveness and success of tourist accommodation companies has been empirically verified. Likewise, a top-ten guide of good business practices has been drawn up to improve business dealings in the sector in these areas of study. Finally, "Revenue Marketing", an original concept has been formulated as a new discipline to be implemented in the tourist accommodation sector, because of the usefulness of its implications and also its suitability for procuring, effectively and efficiently, business success and customer satisfaction.