Las secuencias del manuscrito Tortosa, Archivo Capitular, Cód. 135estudio y edición crítica

  1. Peláez Bilbao, Patricia
Dirixida por:
  1. Carmen Julia Gutiérrez González Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 de xaneiro de 2021

  1. David Andrés Fernández Presidente/a
  2. Luis López Ruiz Secretario/a
  3. Eva María Castro Caridad Vogal
  4. Manuel Gómez del Sol Vogal
  5. Carmelo Caballero Fernández-Rufete Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The present research work aims to study, analyze and publish the sequences repertory of the troper-proser manuscript 135 in Tortosa’s Cathedral Archive. This manuscript, which was made in Tortosa in the 13th century, can be considered as one of the most representative samples in the Spanish repertory of the troper-proser for several reasons: firstly, because of the large number of sequences (no less than 77) it contains which, in terms of melody sequences, goes after only to Huesca’s Cathedral Archive, Ms. 4. Prosarium-Troparium, 12th century, from San Juan de la Peña; secondly, because within it we find a clear sample of all the styles belonging to this genre; and finally, because it shows an interesting appendix of sequences exclusively dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Apart from publishing an edition and a further study of the sequences in this manuscript, the present research tries to establish a comparison with other sources in Spain. Thus, some connections, common features and influences from other repertories can be found when defining possible regional profiles and cultural transfers. Besides, we can discover the role that these sequences and the manuscript itself may play in the Spanish context...