Observando los parques infantiles de la ciudad de Santiago de Compostelauna experiencia de ApS desde la USC

  1. Crespo Comesaña, Julia María
  2. Rodríguez Fernández, José Eugenio
Aprendizaje-Servicio e innovación en la universidad: Actas VII Congreso Nacional y II Internacional de Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario
  1. Miguel Anxo Santos Rego (coord.)
  2. Alexandre Sotelino Losada (coord.)
  3. María del Mar Lorenzo Moledo

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico ; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

ISBN: 9788416533978

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 185-198

Congress: Congreso Nacional de Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario (7. 2016. Santiago de Compostela)

Type: Conference paper


We present a proposal for service-learning designed to work in the subjects of “Children’s game” and “ organization and management of the school” these subjects belong to the Degree in education in both first and primary Children school at USC. The proposal combines the evaluation of spaces and furniture in public play-grounds at the city of Santiago de Compostela with the observation of the actions that the children carry out, who are the users of these spaces, which can be interpreted in educational key. The project presented here aims to combine conceptual learning, procedural content and value, proper of the subjects involved, with the completion of a community service that will allow the formation of a future professional whose identity will not be just the technical skills but also those necessary to enable their participation in social progress