Nuevos tratamientos para el carcinoma inflamatorio de mama humano y canino

  1. Monsalve Roquero, Beatriz
Supervised by:
  1. Laura Luisa Peña Fernández Director
  2. Juan Carlos Illera del Portal Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 16 July 2021

  1. María Dolores Pérez Alenza Chair
  2. Gema Silván Granado Secretary
  3. J. Alberto Montoya-Alonso Committee member
  4. José Luis Benedito Castellote Committee member
  5. Cándido Gutiérrez Panizo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and the fourth cause of death in women globally whose the incidence is increasing in the recent years due to many different factors: genetics, demographic changes, lifestyle habits, exposure to radiation and hormonal treatments, among others.A particular case of breast cancer is Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma (IBC). First described in 1814 by Charles Bell, it is the least prevalent breast tumor subtype, but it stands out for it’s high mortality rate.Actually, the accepted definition of IBC is the one developed by the American Joint Committee of Cancer (AJCC), which says: "it is a clinicopathological entity characterized by diffuse erythema and edema of the breast, frequently without finding a palpable mass."In the canine species, despite the fact that there is less recorded data regarding the incidence and prevalence of breast cancer, it is known that it is the most frequent neoplasia in female dogs, accounting for more than 50% of oncological diagnoses. As in the humans species, there are numerous types of breast cancer in canine species and the most aggressive and with the worst prognosis is inflammatory carcinoma or Inflammatory Mammary Carcinoma (IMC), which was described years later than IBC, specifically in 1983 by Susaneck...