Estudio y gestión de las masas forestales en la provincia de Lugo con sistemas informáticos

  1. M.F. Marey 1
  2. D. Miranda 1
  3. J.J. Cancela 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Enxeñería Forestal
Actas del Congreso de Ordenación y Gestión Sostenible de Montes : (Santiago de Compostela, 4-9 de octubre de 1999)
  1. Alberto Rojo Alboreca (coord.)
  2. Ignacio Javier Díaz-Maroto Hidalgo (coord.)
  3. Juan Gabriel Alvarez González (coord.)
  4. Marcos Barrio Anta (coord.)
  5. Fernando Castedo Dorado (coord.)
  6. Guillermo Riesco Muñoz (coord.)
  7. Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez (coord.)

Publisher: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda ; Junta de Galicia = Xunta de Galicia

ISBN: 84-931244-2-7 84-931244-3-5

Year of publication: 2000

Volume: 1

Pages: 249-257

Congress: Congreso de Ordenación y Gestión Sostenible de Montes : (Santiago de Compostela, 4-9 de octubre de 1999) (1. 1999. Santiago de Compostela)

Type: Conference paper


The development of a methodology that permit us the power to know in a way correct at the same time that comfortable and at the same time to increase the degree of accuracy and precision in the information and in the results that are gone to obtain from our woodland implies the need of applying in a way combined the most modern data processing technology at the same time that the knowledge of the classic forest sciences. To reach the objectives proposed in the previous paragraph in the present work are established the lines followed by the Planning and Projects equipment as well as by the area of Dasometría by the Escola Politécnica Superior (Lugo), applied to various projects accomplished in various woodland of the zone Noroccidental of the Iberian Peninsula.