Una lectura espacial de la competición política en las elecciones autonómicas de 2015 en Cataluñapartidos y liderazgo

  1. Nieves Lagares Diez
  2. María Pereira López
  3. Erika Jaráiz Gulías
Revista de estudios regionales

ISSN: 0213-7585

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 121

Páxinas: 71-102

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de estudios regionales


The regional elections held in Catalonia on September 27, 2015 were clearly mar- ked by the independence process, which has meant important changes for the political system. These elections have been developed in a space of two-dimensional political competition, defined by two cleavages: ideological and identity. Revolve around these two axes and the unequal relationship established between them, the political parties that take part in these elections have been positioned, the political leaders have been placed and the voters have been self-positioned.

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