Tipología de municipios rurales de galicia por indicadores socioeconómicos

  1. Vázquez, I.
  2. Sineiro, F.
  3. Lorenzana, R
XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos.

Publisher: AEIPRO

ISBN: 978-84-936430-3-4

Year of publication: 2008

Pages: 1775-1786

Type: Conference paper


The aim of this paper has been to establish a typology of the rural areas of Galicia. The variables utilized are related with the demographic, economic and agrarian characteristics.By mean of a cluster analysis there have been obtained four groups, which are differentiated by the degree of their agrarian activity and the economic diversification. Three of them are determined by their level of the agrarian productivity, and the four by its greater economic diversification.The importance Galician rural areas derive of the fact that they cover about 86% of the surface and 35% of population.The four groups have had a common dynamic on the lost in their population and agrarian activity, but they differ on the degree of changes, being smaller in the group with a greater economic diversification.Keywords: Rural development, rural planning