Anforderungen und Erwartungen an eine lexikografische Ressource des gesprochenen Deutsch aus der Lernerperspektive

  1. Ribeiro Silveira, María
  2. Meliss, Meike
  3. Möhrs, Christine

ISSN: 0175-6206

Ano de publicación: 2019

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1515/LEX-2018-340106 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openMINERVA editor

Outras publicacións en: Lexicographica


In the project LeGeDe („Lexik des gesprochenen Deutsch”), we are developing a corpus-based lexicographical resource focusing on features of the lexicon of spoken German. To investigate the expectations of future users, two studies were conducted: interviews with a smaller group of experts and a large-scale online survey. We report on selected results, mainly from the online survey and with a focus on the learning perspective. We want to show if and to which extent the L2-learners’ expectations differ from those of native speakers and in which aspects the two groups agree. We also want to give an outlook on the possibilities that will be available to learners in the planned lexicographical resource