O Sujeito das redes sociais digitaisposição adolescente e os impasses de separação frente ao olhar do outro

  1. Gomes, Alice Chaves de Carvalho
Supervised by:
  1. Leônia Cavalcante Teixeira Director
  2. Francisco Conde Soto Co-director

Defence university: Universidade de Fortaleza

Year of defence: 2019

Type: Thesis


This work investigated the incidences of digital social networks on contemporary subjects. It aimed to understand if the artifice of displaying the image of oneself in the networks could reveal an impasse of separation before the look of the Other. As a theoretical basis, he adopted Freudo-Lacanian psychoanalysis, addressing, at first, the contemporary degraded by the preponderance of the capitalist's discourse in the management of social ties; and, in a second moment, the debate about the scopic drive, narcissism and the topology of the self. As a methodological design, he articulated psychoanalytic research with Netnography, serving the latter as a navigation compass through social networks. The material was collected on Instagram, where social interaction is based mainly on sharing images and photographs. It was found that these platforms modified daily practices of showing, seeing, covering up, obtaining, therefore, three results: 1) That the network is governed by the capitalist's discourse; 2) That it fixes the instant of seeing at the expense of understanding and concluding; 3) That it crystallizes the subjects in the position of ideal self, narcissistic jubilation in front of the digital Other's gaze. It was concluded that networks are not neutral vehicles, but they fix their own socialization dynamics within the digital culture, claiming subjects a place, a position. The artifice of the exhibition, in this sense, concerns an adolescent position, since it detaches the impasses in the separation of the Other's gaze, imprisoning, making him fall asleep. If adolescence is a time of awakening, as Lacan testifies, the network invites you to stay in the dream. Palavras-chave: Subject. Digital social network. Psychoanalysis. Contemporaneity. Adolescence.