- García Garrido, Manuela Águeda pr. 1
- Rey Castelao, Ofelia pr. 2
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 2422-779X
Ano de publicación: 2020
Volume: 7
Número: 13
Páxinas: 1-15
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Magallanica: revista de historia moderna
This monographic number focuses on the role of the collective in urban areas during the Early Modern History. This is done from articles based on interdisciplinary analysis methodology, so new views of social interrelationships in contexts subject to constant transformation are proposed. The papers of this volume highlight the importance of the community as a driving force and an agent of the conflict generated by the irregular use of goods, resources and production spaces. Community sociability is also studied as a fact that promoted and defended an assistance system at the service of a society in which individual proposals were not enough to reduce the charitable, educational and hospital needs of the most vulnerable.
Referencias bibliográficas
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