Uso de plasma de convaleciente en el tratamiento de paciente con neumonía por COVID-19. Reporte de caso

  1. Avila Rueda, Jhon Alexander 1
  2. Rabinovich, Oscar
  3. Young, Pablo
  4. Trimarchi, Hernán
  5. Montes, Agustín
  6. Jordán, Rossana
  7. Martínez, Jorge
  8. Finn, Bárbara
  9. Murias, Gastón
  10. Ceresetto, José
  11. Duboscq, Cristina
  12. Ernst, Glenda
  13. Acosta, José
  14. Cimillo, Flavia
  15. Alvarado, Gilda
  16. Sernaque, Ceciclia
  17. Flegler, Nicolas
  18. Oliveros, Karla
  19. Rivarola, Sofía
  20. Stemmelin, Germán
  1. 1 Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires

    Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires

    Buenos Aires, Argentina


Revista Hematología

ISSN: 0329-0379 2250-8309

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 24

Issue: 2

Pages: 73-79

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Hematología


Sars-Cov-2, known as COVID-19, is a virus belonging to coronavirus family, whose characteristicis the development of respiratory diseases, mainly pneumonia, with a high risk of progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome, which in turn is related to high morbidity and mortality rates that vary from case to case. Although a specific management scheme is not available, the use of convalescent plasma has been proposed as a therapeutic alternative, so studies are currently being carried out to evaluate its efficacy, although there are preliminary reports of published studies with encouraging results with low risk and possible benefits of this therapy. We present our case experience regarding the use of convalescent plasma in a 24 years old patient diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia at our institution.

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