Representaciones sociales del cambio climático en estudiantes universitarios de Granada y Santiago de Compostela

  1. Escoz Roldán, Amor
Supervised by:
  1. José Gutiérrez Pérez Director
  2. Pablo Ángel Meira Cartea Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 17 June 2020

  1. Francisco Javier Perales Palacios Chair
  2. María de Fátima Poza Vilches Secretary
  3. Edgar González Gaudiano Committee member
  4. Olaya Álvarez García Committee member
  5. Marília Andrade Torales Campos Committee member

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis is born of the conviction that, in order to slow down and minimize, rather than (unfortunately) avoid, the consequences of climate change, it is necessary to go deeper into the human mind and unravel how cultural and social factors condition and determine the way in which people, individually and collectively, construct, share and communicate their explanations and assessments of this phenomenon. In this sense, we propose to understand to what extent, using as a theoretical framework the Theory of Social Representations, we can explain the similarities and differences between what people think, from the individual to the collective, and the body of scientific knowledge available on climate phenomena and their anthropic alteration, on their causes, processes, consequences and solutions.