Análisis jurídico de la sentencia del tribunal constitucional 198/2012 de 6 de noviembre de 2012 relativa a la constitucionalidad del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo en España

  1. Villanueva Turnes, Alejandro
Revista de estudios jurídicos

ISSN: 1576-124X

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 14

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de estudios jurídicos


This work consists in a commentary of the Constitutional Court ruling 198/2012 that resolves the constitutional action about the Law 13/2005 amending the Civil Code to include the possibility of marriages between persons of same – sex and its legal implications for example the option of adopt a child. The commentary explain the position adopted for the Constitutional Court and summarize the reasoning of the opinión, furthermore the commentary include a critical assessment for a generally ruling.