Análisis de los discursos de los y las jóvenes sobre la violencia en las relaciones de pareja

  1. Rodríguez Castro, Yolanda
  2. Patricia Alonso Ruido 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo, España
Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación

ISSN: 2386-7418

Ano de publicación: 2015

Título do exemplar: XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 2: CONFLICTOS Y MEDIACIÓN ESCOLAR

Número: 2

Páxinas: 15-18

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.17979/REIPE.2015.0.02.235 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación


The aim of our study was to analyze violence in relationships of the teenagers through their own speeches through discussion groups. For this, a total of four focus groups, two in the second cycle of E.S. O. and other two in Bachillerato was held in the Secondary School of the city of Ourense. In total 40 students participated aged between 15 and 18 years. The results show that boys and girls show perceptions of relationships; girls continue to show in his speeches more romantic visions of love, jealousy and still considered as a token of love. As for violence in adolescent couples, many girls who claim to know many cases of women who have mild physical violence and psychological/verbal violence. Also the guys know manifest cases of verbal violence by their female partners. Gender violence is embedded in its environment.

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