Laudatio et Gratitudo. To Lester E. EmbreeFor his Worth as a Person, as a Leader and as a Phenomenologist
ISSN: 1137-2400, 1885-1088
Año de publicación: 2018
Título del ejemplar: Lester Embree. Análisis reflexivo y la organización institucional de la Fenomenología. In Memorian
Número: 7
Páginas: 103-128
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Investigaciones fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología
Insight into Lester Embree’s C.V. Recovery and recognition of his inner purpose with regard to his critical detachment from a particular orientation of phenomenology. Phenomenological theory only makes sense as preparation for real practice. When did the view that we, the “soi disant” phenomenologists, are far from the genuine practice of phenomenology arise in Embree? And, who inspired him, apart from Husserl himself? These are key questions to understand unity and inner coherence in Embre’s C.V., and they meet two aims. The first one is to find the link between his initial entry in phenomenology and his critical stance, particularly evident in the last two decades of his life. The second one is to identify who could have been his guide and model‒apart from Husserl‒from the beginning of his life as phenomenologist until his last two decades, when he wrote his comments on pseudophenomenology. In any case, Embree has been a critical voice who compels us to think about the orientation we are giving to the phenomenology inherited from Husserl. He is therefore a brave and honest philosopher, full of great humanity. In addititon to these qualities, it is worth noting both his creative intelligence and foresight to see‒earlier than others‒the evolution followed by phenomenology until now and his valuable multidisciplinary contribution. Praise to Lester Embree.
Referencias bibliográficas
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- Ortega y Gasset, Jose; Obras Completas: Vol. VI (1941-1955), Madrid: Taurus, 2006, pp. 125
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- Zirión Quijano, Antonio “Para la presentación de Análisis reflexivo. Una primera introducción a la investigación fenomenológica de Lester Embree”. Manuscript of the text presented in 2008 at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia: México.