Aplicación de la Astronomía en el estudio de la orientación de sepulcros megalíticos de corredor en la zona noroccidental de la Península Ibérica

  1. López Plaza, María Socorro
  2. Alonso Romero, Fernando
  3. de Cornide Castro-Piñeiro, Manuel
  4. Álvarez Santos, A.
Zephyrus: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología

ISSN: 0514-7336

Ano de publicación: 1991

Número: 44-45

Páxinas: 183-192

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Zephyrus: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The corridors orientation of fifteen megalithic graves from the area of Salamanca, Galicia and Beira Alta has been analyzed and most of these monuments were observed to be oriented between 114° and 126° N. According to M. Cornide-Castro's reckoning about the ortho and sunset azimuths in winter and summer solstices from several latitudes and for a period of time in which the megaliths could be built and used, it is concluded that the studied corridors were oriented to the ortho in the winter solstice. This result should be verified with a broader statistic study.