Employment and regional development in France

  1. Maria-Carmen Guisan
  2. Eva Aguayo
Applied econometrics and international development

ISSN: 1578-4487

Año de publicación: 2001

Volumen: 1

Número: 1

Páginas: 63-92

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Applied econometrics and international development


We present an econometric analysis, with a cross section sample of 22 French regions, that shows the significant impact of several factors on regional development. The main factors here considered are industry, tourism and public sector activities. The article also analyses the evolution of employment rates in France, in comparison with European Union and USA, as well as the regional distribution of the economic activities that favour employment and economic development. The period of analysis is 1960-2000 for national data and 1985-98 for regional data.

Referencias bibliográficas

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  • Guisan, M.C. and Aguayo, E. (2001). “Panorama regional y sectorial del empleo en los países de la Unión Europea 1985-2000”. Regional and Pectoral Economic Studies/Estudios Económicos Regionales y Sectoriales. Vol. 1-1, pp. 9-43. Edited by Euro-American Assoc. of Economic Development Studies.
  • Guisan, M.C., Cancelo, M.T., Aguayo, E. and Diaz, M.R.(2001). “Educación, investigación y desarrollo regional”. See Guisan et al(2001)Modelos econométricos interregionales de crecimiento de la industria y los servicios en las regiones europeas. 1985-95. EE4 published by AHG. Distribution: Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.1
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