El Poder Religioso en el Paisaje Europeo Occidental

  1. López, Lucrezia
AGALI journal: journal of social sciences and humanities

ISSN: 2444-2445 2253-9042

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Ausgabe: 2

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 59-75

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: AGALI journal: journal of social sciences and humanities


The power encourages relations, production of space and time and communication exchange processes (Raffestin, 1980; Minca and Bialasiewicz, 2004). The focus of this article is to investigate these relations from a different geopolitical perspective: its contextualization in the medieval and contemporary Christian landscape of Western Europe. Despite the “temporal distance”, the essay approaches the medieval worldviews to understand the broad orientations and the habits of the human consciousness of this period (Guriévich, 1990). Political relations are inscribed in the world and in the landscape, which can be a religious symbolic landscape. Moreover, the article suggests a reading of the Western European landscape through the analysis of religious values which are made visible by means of the material and architectural elements, thus working as symbolic references.

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