La innovación de las radiotelevisiones públicas europeas en la comunicación digital y las comunidades de usuarios

  1. Mónica López-Golán
  2. Marta Rodríguez-Castro
  3. Francisco Campos-Freire

ISSN: 0719-3661

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 45

Pages: 241-255

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos.Info


This research analyzes the innovation and social interaction strategies of European public service media (PSM) in response to the transformation and adaptation challenges entailed by the new digital communication ecology. The research methodology was based in the study of the corporations’ annual reports, a mapping of the structure of their Internet platforms and a selective observation of the websites and the users communities of the PSM of the five European countries with greater population (Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Italy). The results show that both participation and the management of such communities is still incipient, not very proactive and quite conditioned by the requirements of their parent public service organizations.

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