The tragedy in abeyance of Cándida. Emigration and assimilation in the cinema of Niní Marshall

  1. Pérez Pereiro, Marta 1
  2. Roca Baamonde, Silvia 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


Quintana: revista de estudios do Departamento de Historia da Arte

ISSN: 1579-7414

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 18

Pages: 267-278

Type: Article


More publications in: Quintana: revista de estudios do Departamento de Historia da Arte

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In his writings about cinema, Jean Epstein poetically explained that every film contains a ‘tragedy in abeyance’ that is not explicit in the narrative. This cinematic idea guides the analysis of the films Cándida (1939) and Cándida millonaria (1941), two of three comedies that Luis Bayón Herrera directed about a Galician maid in Buenos Aires. Niní Marshall plays Cándida, a newcomer to Argentina who projects the stereotype of the female Galician immigrant. In these films Cándida faces two tragedies: that of a newcomer in an alien society and that of assimilation, which endangers the identity of the immigrant striving to fit into this new society. Drawing on Epstein’s concept of photogénie, this article explores the representation of an almost invisible ‘other’ –a female, immigrant, domestic worker who is part of an ethnic minority– and the contradictions implicit in her comic portrayal.

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