Experiencias tempranas de violencia. Desarrollo moral y actitudes hacia la paz

  1. García García, Miguel Angel
Supervised by:
  1. Daniel Pinazo Calatayud Director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 16 January 2020

  1. José Manuel Sabucedo Cameselle Chair
  2. Cristina Giménez García Secretary
  3. Daniel Castaño Zapata Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 607184 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Field research with 174 Spanish and Colombian subjects recruited through collaboration with social organizations, NGOs, working in different areas of attention to victims of violence. The research is part of a perspective of complexity and consistency, with an integrated multimodal quantitative-qualitative approach, participatory action and gender perspective. The information is obtained through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews that include different dimensions of the human being: traumatic and ethical development, personality, defenses, spirituality, fear of death, etc. ... It has managed to find a peace construct with four dimensions, which we have called Transpersonal Holistic Peace. The percentage of subjects willing to have a positive peace is small 9.8%. Unconscious trauma is the cause of a significant decrease in the willingness to peace. Psychotherapy promotes peace and consequentialist morality. Ways have been found to design social intervention projects that promote peace.