Extensión de efectos de la sentencia y el pleito testigo.¿Una apuesta por la eficacia?

Revista española de derecho administrativo

ISSN: 0210-8461

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 200

Seiten: 77-110

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista española de derecho administrativo


The right to effective judicial protection and the effectiveness of judicial decisions has led to the study of two institutions that are considered key in the search for a more agile and effective justice, without ever losing sight of the necessary respect for guarantees procedural and a sentence that responds as far as possible to the trust that citizens have deposited in the courts. From this perspective, the regulation of the extension of effects of the judgment, when the objective budgets that allow applying the ruling to claims with the same legal basis, becomes the key to avoid the initiation of lawsuits of the same nature. In addition, in a society in which the resolutions of the Administration affect certain groups and more than one subject, it is essential to arbitrate a system that avoids the processing of all the claims that derive from that action. Therefore, the regulation of the so-called "witness lawsuit", allows the preferential processing of a lawsuit", allows the preferential processing of a lawsuit", allows the preferential processing of a specific claim, and the suspension of the others, awaiting a final decision, which may also be applied to suspended lawsuits, empowering the parties to position themselves on this decision. The problems derived from the application of these institutions have motivated the study that is reflected in this work.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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