Activación conductual para el abandono del tabaco en una persona con depresión: un estudio de caso

  1. Carmela Martínez Vispo
  2. Ana López Durán
  3. Elisardo Becoña
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 117

Páxinas: 71-87

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Informació psicològica


Smoking is the leading risk factor for quality of life, as well as for physical and psychological health. In fact, research has shown that tobacco use is closely related to depression. We present the assessment and intervention to quit smoking of a 49-year-old woman with depression and with a daily consumption of 15 cigarettes. A cognitive-behavioral intervention to quit smoking was applied with behavioral activation components for mood management. This intervention was carried out in eight individual sessions. At the end of the intervention, the participant quit smoking and remained abstinent at the follow-ups conducted throughout one year. She also showed a notable improvement in depressive symptomatology at short and long term after quitting. In conclusion, this intervention approach could be considered an adequate option to aid in the smoking cessation process and also to improve depressive symptoms, which implies a better quality of life and health

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