La Flora vascular amenazada de Galicia.Catalogación y protección de las especies.

  1. María Inmaculada Romero Buján 1
  1. 1 Universiad de Santiago
Naturalia Cantabricae

ISSN: 1577-1814

Ano de publicación: 2007

Número: 3

Páxinas: 15-23

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Naturalia Cantabricae


A list of threatened vascular flora of Galicia and their status conservation is present. It was making consider the species listed in the Spanish technical publications and legal dispositions. The result shows a list of species made out of 68 taxa, all from different threatened categories, one extint (EX), 15 in critical risk (CR), 21 endangered (EN) and 31 vulnerable (VU), 14 of which are distributed only in Galician territory. Nowadays, only 14 of these threatened species are listed in the Annexes II and IV of the Directive 92/43/EEC, while 3 of them Centaurea borjae, Luronium natans and Omphalodes littoralis ssp. gallaecica can be found in the Spanish National Catalogue of Threatened Species (CNEA), apart from the extincted one Christella dentata. Now the Galician Catalogue of Threatened Species (Catálogo galego de especies amenazadas) is published and it listed all of these plants. Also this catalogue adds another not threatened species form the Annexes of the Hábitats Directive.