“El resultado del proyecto qvometamorfosis 5”

  1. Pomar Tojo, Carmen
  2. Calviño Santos, Guillermo
  3. Irimia Nores, Andrea
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología

ISSN: 0214-9877

Year of publication: 2014


Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 493-502

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17060/IJODAEP.2014.N1.V5.711 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología


If you look at each of the arts and try to see them as large containers of disciplines, we find that cinema is the most porous of all. The film has a tremendous ability to filter and take - bind - hundreds and thousands of disciplines not only inherent in the result, the film, but in all the stages involved in the creation process. To cite some examples that are found only in the most superficial layer of all film production : script writing, deco-architecture, costume design, storyboard drawing, acting work, capturing sound, camera operation, still photography, graphic design posters, video editing, audio mastering and sound, com ¬ position soundtrack etc. Over and above this surface layer film no limits, for example, a master armory, insect specialist, animal trainer, technician in augmented reality and motion capture, and 3D designer, special effects technician, historian, technical animator pyrotechnics, and even industrial engineer aerospace engineer. That is why in the QVO, Enrichment program for children gifted project we decided to work with cinema, from cinema and to make cinema.

Bibliographic References

  • De la Torre, S. (1998). Cine para la vida. Barcelona: Octaedro
  • González Martel, J. (1996). El cine en el universo de la ética. El cine-forum. Madrid: Alauda-Anaya
  • Jarne, I. (2007). Cine y educación: la fuerza de las emociones. En Gallego, J., Granizo, C. y Gurpegui, C. (pp. 21-36). Cine y habilidades para la vida. Dirección general de salud pública, Gobierno de Aragón