A incidencia da evolución das condicións sociolaborais do sector financeiro na motivación interna para a formación dos traballadores
- Manuel Octavio del Campo Villares
- Francisco Jesús Ferreiro Seoane
ISSN: 2173-9811
Ano de publicación: 2016
Número: 7
Páxinas: 29-63
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Anuario da Facultade de Ciencias do Traballo
Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable
Knowledge management is a strategic factor at any organization where technological expansion, socio-economic interaction and professional competitiveness play an increasingly important role. Due to the fact that that self-feeding knowledge –a must for these organizations– depends upon the proper employee motivation, the conditions under which the employees perform their job must be taken into consideration. This paper aims to show the relation between socio-occupational conditions, professional motivation and financial activity training. In order to do that, the approach used was a non-experimental, descriptive one. This approach is used to link two essential aspects of the socio-occupational conditions such as professional offshoring and underqualification. (considering all the defining variables of the financial labour market: number of entities, banking offices, internal distribution of their staff and their qualification). Based on the average inter-annual variation of these variables, we quantify the overall employment of the Spanish financial sector, showing also that it has experienced the worsening of its labour condition as a consequence of the regulatory changes introduced in the sector. The results show how the restructuration process of the sector due to the crisis, particularly damaged the occupational conditions of the financial workers.