La sostenibilidad de los sistemas agroforestales en España en el horizonte 2050

  1. José A. Rodríguez Añón
bie3: Boletín IEEE

ISSN: 2530-125X

Ano de publicación: 2018

Número: 11

Páxinas: 705-717

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: bie3: Boletín IEEE


The opportunities that a strong agroforestry sector can offer for 2050 Spain are too valuable to let them escape, and therefore the State must generate the necessary tools and work space to ensure the viability and sustainability of the process that makes the sector independent and self-sufficiency in energy and food, reach the maximum technological capacity within the complex scenario that is creating climate change, and extend the welfare state to as much as possible of the population. Therefore, the State should be the main regulator of the process of change of the sector and the guarantor