Entre el cielo, el mar y la tierrael santuario rupestre del castro de Baroña (Porto do Son, A Coruña)

  1. García Quintela, Marco V.
  2. González-García, Antonio César
Gallaecia: revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade

ISSN: 0211-8653

Ano de publicación: 2016

Número: 35

Páxinas: 1-38

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Gallaecia: revista de arqueoloxía e antigüidade

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


This paper analyses a number of archaeo-graphic elements at the rocky acropolis of the Baroña Hillfort (Porto do Son, A Coruña) that suggest their identification as ‘ambiguous architecture’. We present several solar alignments, in particular with the petroglyph area in Monte Gurita, prominent in the skyline of Baroña. In this area, there is a possible solar representation and further solar alignments were identified. All these facts suggest the possibility that the acropolis could have been considered as a sanctuary. According to this hypothesis, the elements investigated are interpreted as the materialization of an Indo-European and Celtic cosmology that considers the world divided into three layers –sky, land and oceanic netherworld-. Given its topography, the hillfort occupies the intersection among these layers, perhaps suggesting that the whole area may be identified as a hillfort-sanctuary. This proposal must be framed within the archaeological studies that identify complex intellectual processes in the material record and, in such case, with particular key ideas for social life on the order of time and space.

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