Modelos input-output rectangulares mediante inversas generalizadas

  1. Pereira López, Xesús 1
  2. Fernández Fernández, Melchor 1
  3. Miranda Torrado, Fernando 1
  4. Carrascal Incera, André 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


Anales de ASEPUMA

ISSN: 2171-892X

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 20

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de ASEPUMA

Sustainable development goals


In economic studies should prevail the utilization of available data. Despite this, in economic modelling related with supply-use tables this aspect is ignored. In fact, as in this format the number of products exceeds the number of industries, considerable information is lost due to the aggregations in order to get square matrices. However, the rectangular matrices can directly be modelled using generalized inverses. The main aim of this paper is to highlight the fact that it is not obligatory elaborate symmetric input-output tables for modelling. In spite of it, in this paper it is reminded how to construct symmetric matrices through the two traditional hypotheses: product technology and industry technology. Finally, it is shown an empirical application with the goal of highlight different alternatives in this area.

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