Competitividad de la oferta entre universidades regionales
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1578-4460
Ano de publicación: 2004
Volume: 4
Número: 1
Páxinas: 87-106
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Estudios Economicos Regionales y Sectoriales : EERS: Regional and sectoral economic studies : RSES
This paper aims to analyse, on the one hand, the growth of the Galician universities’ offer, and on the other hand, the ability of these institutions to compete for new students, whose number is dramatically decreasing. This fact is at the root of the increasing in competition between different Universities. Although the study focuses on the Galician university system, it establishes an instrument for analysing the competitiveness of an university system in any geographical area.