Los iWatchel intenso flujo de microformatos de “periodismo de un vistazo” alimentan seis de los principales medios online

  1. Alba Silva-Rodríguez 1
  2. Xosé López-García 1
  3. Carlos Toural-Bran 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social

ISSN: 1138-5820

Datum der Publikation: 2017

Nummer: 72

Seiten: 186-196

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2017-1160 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Latina de Comunicación Social


Introduction. Digital media needed to adapt, in these last years, to numerous changes affecting both contents production and reception. The wearables or devices we carry along with us, specially smartwatches, can offer an interesting option in the diffusion of journalistic products. Objectives and Methods. To study the trends in the production of contents for iWatch, we used a quantitative methodology based on analyzing apps for Apple smartwatch from a total of fifteen cybermedia of informative communication of generalistic character and daily publication, with printed matrix. Results. Results show that the platform demands renewed narratives and online media still have very primary models available to face the new informative challenges of ubiquity. Discussion and conclusions. Exploit personalization, audios or customization, are some of the challenges editors and journalists must face in the current journalistic context.

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