La Igualtat de gènere i l’empoderament de les donesdesafiaments del mil·lenni en clau educativa i social

  1. Rita Gradaílle Pernas 1
  2. Rosa Marí Ytarte 2
  3. M. Belén Caballo Villar 1
  1. 1 Universitat de Santiago de Compostela
  2. 2 Universitat de Castella–La Manxa
Educació social: Revista d'intervenció sòcioeducativa

ISSN: 2339-6954 1135-085X

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: L'educació social davant dels objectius del Mil·leni / La educación social y los objetivos del Milenio

Issue: 61

Pages: 41-57

Type: Article

More publications in: Educació social: Revista d'intervenció sòcioeducativa


In early 2000, the United Nations set out a number of objectives for what were perceived as key challenges for the start of what was then the new millennium. Fifteen years later, with the deadline for the achieving of those commitments at hand, we reflect from a socioeducational perspective on the progress made in gender equality. On this point, reference to the third Millennium Development Goal calls for a transversal analysis and a much broader understanding of what gender equality and female empowerment mean, if education is to constitute a fundamental tool for changing attitudes that will make it possible to transformcommunities around the globe into societies that are more just, more balanced and more equal.

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