Dereitos de propiedade na acuiculturaunha aproximación desde o cultivo
- Gonzalo Rodríguez Rodríguez 1
- Víctor Hugo Martínez Ballesteros 1
- Ihering Guedes Alcoforado 2
- 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- 2 Universidade Federal de Bahía
ISSN: 1132-2799
Datum der Publikation: 2014
Titel der Ausgabe: Innovación e Desenvolvemento da Acuicultura en Iberoamérica
Ausgabe: 23
Nummer: 3
Seiten: 51-74
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Revista galega de economía: Publicación Interdisciplinar da Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais
This paper reviews the processes of institutional change linked to the Galician Mussel activity. In particular, it focused on the regulatory role of property rights, which are conceptualized as a bundle of rights that favors mussel farming management. It is argued that along three distinct stages the definition and perfection of property rights generated the creation of incentive structures that contributed to the development of stable growth paths in the Galician mussel subsector providing a greater economic efficiency and a sustainable exploitation. It is confirmed that institutional activity favored the correction of problems associated with the lack of regulation in the subsector; however, some limitations of the institutional arrangements that affect miticultor´s performance are identified, such as the persistence of cumulative unresolved negative externalities associated with the use of Galician estuaries as a common resource. The ownership, dimension and quality of the re-sulting property rights assigned to bateeiros are analyzed.
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