De la doble versión al poema fantasmala creatividad de la imprenta

  1. López Casas, María Mercé
Revista de Poética Medieval

ISSN: 1137-8905

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Poesía y corte: entre filología y pragmática

Issue: 28

Pages: 245-264

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Poética Medieval


After an introduction on the changes introduced by the printing press in the diffusion of medieval literature and its textuality, two Ausiàs March�s poems (102b and 103) are analysed as they have been transmitted by the edition of Juan de Resa (Valladolid, 1555). The paper suggests the possibility that these poems are a product of a publishing operation based on Juan de Resa�s knowledge of two completely different textual traditions, not wanting to give up any of them.