Efecto a largo plazo de la raza de vaca y de la estrategia de alimentación sobre la producción y composición de la leche, el peso vivo y la condición corporal del ganado vacuno lechero en el sistema de pastoreo rotacional simplificado

  1. Roca-Fernández, A. l. 1
  2. Delaby, L. 2
  3. González-Rodríguez, A. 3
  4. López-Mosquera, Mª. E. 4
  5. Leurent, S. 5
  6. Gallard, E. Y. 5
  1. 1 Departamento de Producción Animal. Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo. INGACAL. Xunta de Galicia. 15080 La Coruña (España). Équipe Syslait. INRA- Agrocampus Ouest. UMR 1348. 35590 Saint Gilles-Rennes (Francia). anairf@ciam.es
  2. 2 Équipe Syslait. INRA- Agrocampus Ouest. UMR 1348. 35590 Saint Gilles-Rennes (Francia).
  3. 3 Departamento de Producción Animal. Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo. INGACAL. Xunta de Galicia. 15080 La Coruña (España).
  4. 4 Departamento de Producción Vegetal. Escuela Politécnica Superior. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 27002 Lugo (España).
  5. 5 Domaine Expérimental Animal du Pina u Haras. INRA- Agrocampus Ouest. 6131 O Borculo-Exmes (Francia).
Pastos: Revista de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISSN: 0210-1270

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 44

Issue: 1

Pages: 44-58

Type: Article

More publications in: Pastos: Revista de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos


To improve production efficiency of dairy cattle is necessaryto adjust the feeding strategy to the animal.The effect of dairy cowbreed,Holstein-Friesian (HF, n=36)vs. Normande (N, n=36), and the feeding strategy, high (a, n=36)vs. low (b, n=36) inputs,was studied on milk production and composition, body weight and body condition score of dairy cattle during five years. Itwas applied a 2x2 factorial design to 4 groups(n=72) of dairy cows (HFa, HFb, Na and Nb) under the simplified rotational grazing system. The maximum of milk production (PL) (p<0.001; HF: 25.0 vs. N: 21.0 kg/cow) and the drop ofmilk (CL) (p<0.001; HF:-6.4 vs. N:-4.9 kg/cow) for each grazing cyclewere higher in the Holstein-Friesian than in the Normande cows.The animals fed the high inputs strategy showed higher PL (p<0.001; a: 24.9 vs. b:21.1 kg/cow) and lowerCL (p<0.001; a:-5.3 vs. b:-6.1 kg/cow) than those fed the low in puts strategy. The Holstein-Friesian cows showed highe rmilk production (p<0.001; HF: 7591 vs. N: 6214 kg/cow/year) and lower milk protein (p<0.001; HF: 31.0 vs.N: 33.7 g/kg) and fat content (p<0.001; HF: 37.7 vs. N: 39.9 g/kg) than the Normande cows. The drop of body weight and the loss of body condition score after calving were more marked in th eHolstein-Friesian cows. The animals fed the high inputs strategy showed highe rmilk production (p<0.001; a:7567 vs. b:6238 kg/cow/year) and highe rmilk protein (p<0.001; a:33.1 vs. b:31.6 g/kg) and fat content (p<0.001; a:39.0 vs. b:38.6 g/kg) than those fed the low inputs strategy.The drop of body weight and the loss of body condition score after calving were mor emarked in the animals fed the low inputs strategy.In conclusion,the Holstein-Friesian cows were more susceptible than the Normande cows to changes in food intake,mainly when low-inputs were supplied.