Importancia de la integración clonal en las invasiones biológicas

  1. Sergio R. Roiloa
  2. Josefina G. Campoy
  3. Rubén Retuerto
Ecosistemas: Revista científica y técnica de ecología y medio ambiente

ISSN: 1697-2473

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Las invasiones biológicas y su impacto en los ecosistemas

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Pages: 76-83

Type: Article

More publications in: Ecosistemas: Revista científica y técnica de ecología y medio ambiente


One core research question in invasion biology is to explain why some species become invasive while others do not. In spite of the research effort developed in the last years to explain biological invasions, this is a process still not well understood. Some plant characteristics might explain the success of invasive species better than others. In particular, clonal growth has been pointed out as an attribute that could contribute to the invasiveness of plants. However, and although many of the most aggressive invasive plant species show clonal growth, little research has been conducted to determine the role of clonal traits in successful invaders. Clonal plants play important roles in many ecosystem processes and dominate many plant communities. One of the most remarkable traits associated with clonal growth is the capacity for physiological integration (resource sharing between connected members of the clonal system). Recent studies have demonstrated that clonal integration increases survival and growth of aggressive invaders. However, future research should be conducted to determine differences in clonal integration between exotic non-invasive and invasive congeners, and between populations from native and invaded range to determine the presence of adaptive evolution of clonal traits during the invasion process and therefore elucidate the role of clonality in biological invasions.

Funding information

Los autores agradecen a M. Pilar Castro D?ez y ?lvaro Alonso Fern?ndez por su generosa invitaci?n a contribuir a este monogr?fico sobre el impacto de las especies ex?ticas invasoras en los ecosistemas. Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto ??Qu? provoca que una planta se convierta en un invasor agresivo? Adaptaci?n y evoluci?n de atributos clonales durante procesos de invasi?n? (Ref. CGL2013-44519-R) y ?Retos en la gesti?n de la planta invasora Carpobrotus edulis: Cambios fenot?picos en el curso de la invasi?n, respuestas a escenarios de cambio global y control bio-l?gico? (Ref. CGL2013-48885-C2-2-R) del Plan Estatal de Investigaci?n Cient?fica y T?cnica y de Innovaci?n del Ministerio de Econom?a y Competitividad, Gobierno de Espa?a, as? como dentro de la Red Alien Species Network (Ref. R2014/036) financiada por la Conseller?a de Cultura, Educaci?n e Ordenaci?n Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia.