¿Cómo será mi profesión de maestro?

  1. Rosales López, Carlos
Tendencias pedagógicas

ISSN: 1133-2654

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 23

Pages: 29-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Tendencias pedagógicas


This paper reports a research on image contrast to a grup of prospective teachers have of their profession with the reality of it. This research has been developed in the interactive classes of subject desing, development and innovation in curriculum and length of stay schools of Practicum I in the second year of the Degree of Teacher of Elementary Education. Its basis objetive have been the approach to the knowledge of reality and the stimulation of the reflectivity of the group of future teachers and adapting the course syllabus desing, development and innovation in curriculum on the part of the teacher. The methology is based on the paradigms of action research, the study of teacher thinking, professional skills development and ethnografy. We used the autobiographical and semi-structured interveiews for data collection. The results reveal a significant awareness of propective teachers about the gap between future expectations and contraints that reality presents the development of the same, seeng the need to build bridges between the two positions.

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